Daily Catblogging

Home of the "Awwwwww" Photo of the Day!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Friday Catblogging (and a Couple of Rabbits)!

Here's a bunny who's been hanging around our backyard:

Supposedly, he/she belongs to someone on the next block. The rabbit turns up in our backyard off and on. We'd prefer its owners kept a closer eye on him/her!

Here's Oski and Fiona:

They were sleeping together on the back of the chair.

Here's a close-up of Moon:

Isn't she cute???

Here's Emma, who likes to hang out in the house a lot more than she used to:

And finally, who can forget Rex Rabbit!?!

He like sitting in the fireplace, esp. on hot days - the stone is nice and cool!

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