Daily Catblogging

Home of the "Awwwwww" Photo of the Day!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday at the Shelter

First, here's Lilly!

Lilly's one of the "older cats" at the shelter. She's about three years old, and she's been a resident since June. She's a sweet cat - I don't know why someone hasn't snapped her up!

Here's one of the new occupants - Scooter:

He's getting ready to make a big jump!

Here's the Great Percy doing his famous "Floating Fuzzy" trick:

And here's his cagemate, Paige:

"Please, sir, more gruel?"

Looked like several cats got homes over the past week, but there's always a line waiting to get in. I've posted a link at the right to the shelter, so if you want to look around and maybe give them some spare change... feel free! (They've got a picture up right now of Louie, who is one of my favorite cats...)


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Other Emma

Here's the other "Emma" - she's the permanent shelter cat. Not sure what's up with her eyes, but she's still cute!

Saturday at the Shelter

First off, we've got a very special shelter guest: Blossom the Iguana!

Here's a really cute kitten - Jackson:

He's very affectionate! He likes to nuzzle and purr.

Johnny Cat has quite a fluffy tail:

He's a big boy - probably about 15 pounds.

And finally, here's Michaelangelo:

He's also a very friendly cat.

Plus there's a cockatiel, a chicken, and one guinea pig left!

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