Daily Catblogging

Home of the "Awwwwww" Photo of the Day!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Stalking the Wild Sock!

Fiona's on the prowl!

She delivers the killing blow...

Posing with her prey!

Another sock that won't ever bother anyone again!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"Awwwwwwww" Photo of the Day

Rex and Fiona - two little friends!

Special Rabbit Blogging

Rex chows down his parsley. He wants to let everyone know that Sunday, September 25 is International Rabbit Day! If you're in the Bay Area, the House Rabbit Society in Richmond will be holding a special Rabbit Fair Saturday and Sunday to celebrate. If you can, check them out!

Monday, September 19, 2005

"Awwwwwwww" Photo of the Day

Here's something you don't see everyday - Nicki chilling out with Fiona and Oski! Moon's there, too - you can see part of her paw at the bottom right.

Moon on the Bed

Isn't she cute!?!

And When I Die...

...I want a "Hello Kitty" bouncy house at my funeral!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Awwwwwwww" Photo of the Day

Two adorable kittens up for adoption by a rescue group at my lovely wife Evelyn's store yesterday... I'm sure they won't be homeless for long!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Meet Pumpkin

Pumpkin is the house cat at the store my lovely wife works at. He greets customers and has a big following. People come in just to see him!

Monday, September 12, 2005

"Awwwwww" Photo of the Day

Fiona and Oski take time out from running through the house for a short nap.

Hurricane Katrina Update

In addition to the Humane Society and Noah's Wish, here are some other organizations working on rescuing pets and animals in the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina:

  • Peace, Love and Pets
  • This Bay Area group has put out a call for supplies that they will take down to the New Orleans area next week. They have a list of needed items, as well as locations for drop-offs, at their website. They'll be taking donations through Friday, September 16, but you should call ahead to the donation location before you bring things there just to confirm.

  • The American Humane Association
  • The AHA (different from the Humane Society) is also running a makeshift shelter at the Lamar-Dixon Convention Center in Gonzales, LA.
Also, Petco, which is not a place I normally frequent, is offering to "round up" sales with proceeds going to Hurricane Relief. Pet Food Express in the Bay Area is also soliciting donations.

Please help if you can!

Fiona - Full-Size!

Here's a picture of Fiona all stretched out. Notice the bushy tail - my wife says she thinks she looks like a little fox! She's still smaller than all the other cats - and our vet says he doesn't think she'll grow to more than 7 or 8 pounds. According to him, she's about 6 months old now.


Annie likes sleeping on the extra bed in the second bedroom. She also like sleeping on my wife's electronic keyboard, for some reason...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Oski the Sphinx

Otherwise known as "the Sun Cat."