Nicki, 1990-2007
We had a memorial for Nicki yesterday, who passed away in July. My lovely wife sang a couple of songs and everyone got something in their eye. Then came the food - little tuna sandwiches and a Chinese chicken salad, because Nicki liked tuna and chicken (what he really liked was sardines and jack mackarel, but we had to draw the line somewhere!).
Here's some pictures of Nicki, who was a very good pussycat.

Here's some pictures of Nicki, who was a very good pussycat.

At 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Are you the guy who has an orange cat named "sack o' hammers" or something? I loved that cat.
Nicky sure looked sweet.
I'm sorry for your loss. It's tough to lose a kitty you loved, but it happens.
I'm going on 15 years with my Maxi. She's a tabby/siamese, very beautiful and a boon companion.
I'm down to only one other cat, a long haired white polydactyl who moved in with me while I was moving into my house last summer. He's a pretty fine kitty too.
Nuncamas, from over at Eschaton.
At 1:54 PM,
dave™© said…
No "sack of hammers" here - I remember seeing him, though.
Nicki was also a polydactl! A very good pussycat...
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