Cats and Rabbits Living Together!
People always ask if the cats and Rex Rabbit get along. Well... yes and no. They generally leave each other alone. But Oski wants to play with Rex. Rex doesn't want to play with Oski. Rex wants to play with Nicki, but Nicki doesn't want to play with Rex. Fiona wants to drink the water out of Rex's bowl, and Rex chases her out of his pen if he catches her. In fact, Rex isn't shy about chasing any of the cats away if they bug him. Moon, in the meantime, pretty much just stays out of it.
Anyway, sometimes they agree to co-exist... here's Oski and Rex sitting close (but not too close) together in his "cage".

BTW, they were much closer about 20 minutes before I took these pictures, but then there was a little scuffle...
Anyway, sometimes they agree to co-exist... here's Oski and Rex sitting close (but not too close) together in his "cage".

BTW, they were much closer about 20 minutes before I took these pictures, but then there was a little scuffle...
At 7:10 PM,
Steve J. said…
My childhood (and adolescence) cat, Bitsy,loved to hanfg out with the VERY large rabbits the neighbors had in a nice pen.
At 2:45 PM,
¡El Gato Negro! said…
Rex doesn't want to play with Oski. Rex wants to play with Nicki, but Nicki doesn't want to play with Rex.
Love steenks.
Yeah yeah,
Love steenks.
Baw-waw, baw chikka waw, baw-waw chikka-chikka waaah... (/Guitar)
At 2:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
i have a new kitten (mr. fong) whos sort of playful and a dwarf bunny (honey) we've had for two years the bunny has never had any fear and knows its his house and he can do whatever he pleases i inntroduced them today and teh bunny was kinda bossy in his face but i think they will be bale to get along its cool to see other people with ctas and rabbits to
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a 8 month old dwarf rabbit and a 3 month old kitten. When i introduced them, they were terrified of each other. However, very recently they started wrestling and chasing each other around the apartment. They seem to be getting along, much like two human brothers would. After they wrestle for a while they both lay down and nap next to each other. Sometimes, however, i need to spray the cat with a water bottle if i see he is getting to aggressive. I think, though, that once the cat is neutered, things will change and my kitten (smokey) will be a lot less aggressive with the rabbit. Otherwise, they get along pretty great!
At 2:02 PM,
sandrao1021 said…
I have an adult cat and a 1 year old rabbit who has recently started chasing and nipping the cat. The cat is not aggressive, but is now getting scared of the rabbit. Any advice how to make them stop fighting?
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