Wonderful. Critterblogging keeps me sane and dave you're the best and most reliable! Sorry I'll be out of town this weekend and will miss the latest of Oski & gang. All best to you and your furry pals and your excellent sharing of their coolness with us all.
At 7:48 PM,
Dunderdad said…
um, i like your rabbit. i always wanted a rabbit.
At 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful. Critterblogging keeps me sane and dave you're the best and most reliable! Sorry I'll be out of town this weekend and will miss the latest of Oski & gang. All best to you and your furry pals and your excellent sharing of their coolness with us all.
At 8:53 PM,
dave said…
Rex says "thanks!" Sometimes I think he feels left out, but he's really not much of a social climber...
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